Category: Technical Support

What To Do When You Experience Website Downtime

Experiencing website downtime can be nerve-wracking. It’s not just a technical hiccup; it can also impact your brand’s reputation and result in potential revenue loss. But before you jump on the phone to call your hosting provider, there are some initial checks you can carry out to potentially rectify the issue yourself or at least

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Preparing for CentOS Linux 7 End of Life in 2024: what it means for you

What is CentOS Linux CentOS Linux is a free and open-source operating system derived from the sources of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). In essence, it’s a community-supported version of RHEL without the branding and commercial support, but functionally almost identical. CentOS stands for “Community Enterprise Operating System”. It’s commonly used as a reliable platform

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Unlocking Efficiency: How Cloud Computing Transforms Manufacturing Processes

In the rapidly evolving landscape of manufacturing, staying competitive requires embracing innovative technologies that streamline operations and enhance efficiency.  Cloud computing has emerged as a transformative force, revolutionising manufacturing processes and enabling manufacturers to unlock new levels of productivity and agility.  In this blog, we will explore how cloud computing transforms manufacturing processes, empowering businesses

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Maximising Website Performance: Tips from Datacentreplus Experts

Maximising Website Performance: Tips from Datacentreplus Experts

Website performance is more important than ever before. With so many websites vying for attention, it’s essential that your site loads quickly and performs well. If your site is slow or unresponsive, visitors are likely to click away and go to a competitor’s site instead. There are a number of factors that can affect website

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The importance of good cyber security practices

The Importance Of Good Cyber Security Practices

You will most likely have seen the term “Cyber Security” appearing in headlines across social media and news outlets.  Now, this is not a new concept however has increasingly played a more significant role in how businesses operate. But what exactly is cyber security and how important are good cyber security practices for your business?

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cyber security checklist

Cyber Security Check List

Cyber security awareness month may have ended but at Datacentreplus we understand the real threat this poses. With the threat of cyber attacks growing by the day implementing a few basic cyber security measures can help to reduce the chances of a successful cyber attack. Here is a basic checklist to get you started on

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what is phishing and how to spot it

What Is Phishing and How To Spot It?

Phishing is when someone sends you fraudulent texts or emails in order to steal information including credit card details and login credentials. The attacker pretends to be someone you know so you’re more likely to click on the email or text in order to entice you to reveal personal information. Phishing scams are always increasing

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Is It Safe To Work From Public Wifi?

First of all, we always recommend working from a secure wireless network with a strong router password. Without this, you’re leaving your data open to malicious attacks that could result in your personal or financial information being stolen or used. This is the danger of using public wifi as you have no control over the

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Why you should use a Load Balancer

We often get asked about load balancers so hopefully, this article will help answer some of these questions. Implementing a load balancer can maximize your server’s performance whilst minimizing the response time and makes scalability much easier, but what is load balancing? What is load balancing? Load balancing is when traffic is distributed across multiple

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Is your business post-covid ready?

With things beginning to revert to normal it is important to ensure your business is ready for returning to a more normal way of working and we thought it would be a good idea to list some of the areas you may want to consider. Of course, these do not apply to some types of

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