Category: 2024

Whats Your Game Plan – VMWare / Broadcom

Let’s delve into the challenges posed by Broadcom’s acquisition of VMware. The immediate impact on users is reflected in rising costs, disrupted license models, and growing apprehensions about Broadcom’s focus on short-term financial gains potentially compromising VMware’s historical innovation prowess. The core concerns mainly revolve around price increases, changes in business models, and the impact

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Private cloud advantages

The Benefits of Having a Private Cloud

In today’s digital landscape, businesses are increasingly turning to cloud computing to enhance efficiency, scalability, and security. While public cloud solutions are popular, private clouds offer distinct advantages that can significantly benefit organizations. Enhanced Security and Compliance Private clouds provide unparalleled security by ensuring that your data and applications are hosted on dedicated infrastructure. This

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The AI Arms Race

The AI Arms Race: How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Business Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful force reshaping the business landscape. From automating routine tasks to enhancing decision-making, AI is revolutionising how companies operate. In this blog post, we’ll explore the top five AI use cases driving innovation across industries. 1. Customer Service

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AI and The Top 4 Security Threats

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionised various fields, including security. However, with great power comes great responsibility. Here are four potential risks associated with AI in security and some strategies to mitigate them:   Data Privacy Concerns: AI systems often rely on extensive data sets for training, raising concerns about data privacy breaches. To mitigate this

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