The 5 basic features of data backup
Backup, backup, backup… Being told to backup does get a little tiring after a while, but the advice is about as solid as ‘don’t eat yellow snow’. Seriously, though, what do you have in place to protect and recover irreplaceable files from corruption, deletion or theft? We are always told to have a ‘plan b’, […]
You need a data back up plan
Data is important, right? We talk about securing your data, making sure your data is protected and away from prying eyes. But what about data backup? It’s hard to ignore the impact of technology on businesses in the 21st century. We’re now more reliant than ever on depending on these ‘mission critical’ services and infrastructure. […]
How SSH Works
In our previous article we talked about how SSL certificates work and how they are important authentication methods for indicating your connection to the site is secure. We also mentioned that it’s necessary to secure your connection to the server as well. SSH does exactly that. SHH Secure Shell is a network protocol that […]
The importance of SSL and online security
Data security is important. In previous posts we’ve touched on topics such as securing your online accounts, securing your server and securing weaknesses from the inside, but what about securing your website? More specifically, the connection to your website? As websites are served to users, the information travels across a network computer to computer. In […]
Get into the habit of using a secure password
Data security couldn’t be more important than it is now. We hear about how accounts are getting compromised almost every week in the media these days that it’s hard to ignore the importance of keeping your credentials safe. If you don’t want your details leaked online, or important information stolen, start by not having a […]
The Journey to IPv6
Many of our customers will be aware that there are two sets if IP addressing conventions. We thought it would be interesting to look at the history of this. Lets jump back to 1983, the Internet was conceived and the first set of addresses were allocated. There are around 4.2 billion valid IPv4 addresses; […]
How to mitigate risk when migrating colocation providers
Changing colocation providers isn’t something you would want to do regularly. There is a lot of time, effort and risk of downtime associated with colocating. Hopefully migrating colocation providers is something you will only have to do once or twice. If you talk to people about migrations, ‘tedious’, ‘painful’ and ‘never again’ might be their […]
Benefits of Colocation
As we are becoming more reliant on technology, businesses are too. When technology plays a central role to how a company operates and offers their product, the performance and reliability of the equipment is of critical importance. It’s common that we hear from companies such as accountancies, logistics, procurement companies and startups do in fact […]
Does hosting affect SEO?
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Is the art of doing certain activities that help improve how well your website appears on search engines such as Google. Most people undertake SEO activities as an attempt to get their website to the top of the front page. Whilst this is the general jist of what SEO is about, […]
We Now Offer Managed Server Hosting Packages
Good news for people who don’t want the hassle of managing their own server. Datacentreplus now offers Managed Server Hosting Packages so that you can focus your efforts where it is most needed. Our Managed Server Hosting comes in two packages, Silver and Gold. The Silver package offers a quad core server with 8GB […]