How to create a strong password

How to create a strong password

Often the biggest weakness in a business’s cyber security defence strategy is as simple as weak passwords. A strong password can help boost your cyber security measures. Once compromised this can provide a direct route into your accounts departments or company systems. This is undetectable and could be potentially business critical and costly. Implementing a […]

Why It’s Important To Keep A Data Centre At The Right Temperature

why its important to keep a data centre at the right temperature.

With winter on its way, keeping our data centre at the correct temperature is crucial to maintaining and ensuring that the infrastructure and servers inside are running at the optimal level. In this blog, we will cover why this is so important and how our engineers at Datacentreplus manage this. Why is temperature so important? […]

How can data centres be more efficient?

how can datacentres be more efficient

Data Centres are important because they contain an organisation’s most critical data and assets. These servers take up a lot of energy as we rely on them to execute specific tasks for a business and to manage their large volumes of data 24/7. Because they consume a lot of power to keep businesses running, the […]

Energy Crisis

energy crisis

With the United Kingdom announcing an 80-per cent mega hike in gas & electricity bills, to go alongside the dramatic worsening of the cost-of-living crisis all before winter the country is set to see a huge tightening of its financial belt. So how does this impact the wider country and industries? From our perspective and […]

Cyber Security Check List

cyber security checklist

Cyber security awareness month may have ended but at Datacentreplus we understand the real threat this poses. With the threat of cyber attacks growing by the day implementing a few basic cyber security measures can help to reduce the chances of a successful cyber attack. Here is a basic checklist to get you started on […]

Tips on how to protect your data

how to protect your data

You should always protect your data, no matter how big or small your business is. Advice on this subject is crucial as you want to keep sensitive personal information secure and safe.  One of the best things to do would be to download a VPN and antivirus software. It is also important to always back […]

What Is Phishing and How To Spot It?

what is phishing and how to spot it

Phishing is when someone sends you fraudulent texts or emails in order to steal information including credit card details and login credentials. The attacker pretends to be someone you know so you’re more likely to click on the email or text in order to entice you to reveal personal information. Phishing scams are always increasing […]

Why hosting with a provider is better than hosting in house

why hosting with a provider is better than hosting in house

Since the pandemic, many companies have changed the landscape of their business to become more digital. As a result of this businesses started building or updating their own sites. This has led them to look at their hosting solution. Deciding how to host your site can be a complex decision. This article will outline why […]

Current Cyber Security Trends To Look Out For

current cyber security trends to look out for

Companies facing cyber security issues seem to be becoming an increasingly common occurrence in the news lately. With attacks like this, it’s important to share as much information as possible to ensure other companies don’t fall victim. Businesses can be reluctant to share this information so it’s important to share this. In this article, we […]

How to create a strong password

Man Typing lock how to create a strong password datacentreplus

Often the biggest weakness in a business’s cyber security defence strategy is as simple as weak passwords. A strong password can help boost your cyber security measures. Once compromised this can provide a direct route into your accounts departments or company systems. This is undetectable and could be potentially business critical and costly. Implementing a […]